Support Product Selector

Are you getting error messages 'TV Tuner not available' or getting a message 'Unable to locate capture filter' after installing a Windows 10 update?

This is a known "feature" of the new release of Windows 10, related to video cameras but also affecting TV tuners and video recorders.

The latest versions of WinTV v10, WinTV v8.5, WinTV v8 and Hauppauge Capture automatically update the Windows drivers to fix this error message. If you need to manually fix this, click here.

Questions or problems? Please contact Hauppauge support at:

Streaming media

Other Products

Support utilities

  • Prodinfo

    get information on your Hauppauge TV tuner

    Prodinfo.exe is a program you can run which will extract information about the WinTV product you have installed such as model and serial number, MAC address, revision, and features which can be used to identify the exact model of your product. The driver for the device must be installed in order to run Prodinfo.exe

  • HCWClear

    HCWCLEAR.exe is a program you run to remove all driver and files that were installed with the installation of the WinTV application.

  • TV Tuner Troubleshooting

    helps you fix weak TV reception when using over-the-air TV

    If you are having a problem getting a good TV picture when using an over-the-air TV antenna, we have some tips which can help you get a better TV signal

  • Rescan for TV channels

  • Scan All TV channels

Windows 10 and 11 Drivers

Windows 10 and 11 require special drivers to avoid errors during the Hauppauge product installation.

The latest versions of WinTV v10, 8.5 and WinTV v8 and Hauppauge Capture include these drivers. But if you are looking just for the Windows 10 driver, these are updated drivers which can be used with Windows 10/11.

European products

North America products

Search for the support page of your Hauppauge product by product code

How to find the product code of your Hauppauge product:

Hauppauge product codes on WinTV internal boards are normally found on the TV tuner. This is a five digit number normally followed by a revision (REV). You need to look at the first two numbers to determine the product type. The other numbers are related to the accessories which are on the product.

On the MediaMVP, WinTV-USB and other "boxes", the product code is normally on a label on the bottom of the case.

72301, 65301 111XXX WinTV-HVR-850
72001 WinTV-HVR-950Q
65XXX WinTV-HVR-950
1111XX WinTV-Analog Stick
67XXX WinTV-HVR-1150
22XXX, 79XXX, 118xxx WinTV-HVR-1250, -1260, -1265
723x WinTV-HVR-1260 (HP)
77XXX WinTV-HVR-1500
74XXX WinTV-HVR-1600
78XXX WinTV-HVR-1800
85XXX WinTV-HVR-1850
75XXX WinTV-HVR-1950
88XXX WinTV-HVR-2250
23XXX WinTV-PVR-500
26XXX, 25XXX WinTV-PVR-150
28XXX WinTV-PVR-160
48XXX WinTV-PVR-250/350
32XXX WinTV-PVR-250
30XXX WinTV-PVR-250
122XXX USB-Live2
131201 Colossus

878 or 848 based WinTV boards:

34XXX 88X based WinTV boards

86XXX MediaMVP

110XXX MediaMVP-HD


Legacy Products

HD PVR video recorders

Hybrid Video Recorders
(HVR products)

(PVR products)

WinTV-NOVA & WinTV-Ministick
Digital TV tuners

Streaming media


Analogue only
TV tuners

only TV tuners

How To Find Your Product Name/Model Number

Quick product finder

Model number:

Click on the product to be taken to that page.

All of our products have their name written on the front of the packaging however, if you no longer have this you can find the product name by using the Hauppauge 5/6 digit model number on your product and the "Quick product finder" on the right to look it up.

Simply type in your 5/6 digit model number and click on the product name that appears.

Finding the model number on a USB product:

On USB products the model number can be found on the under side of the unit on a white label, simply turn the unit upside-down and locate the white label (Note: You do not need to turn the computer off to do this however some units may have multiple cables attached so caution is advised to avoid cables becoming disconnected or snagged).

Finding the model number on a PCI/PCI-e product:

On PCI/PCI-e products the model number can be found on a white label located on the silver box on the card, you will need to turn off your computer and open the case to examin the board, you may also need to remove the board from the computer to be able to view the label easily. (Note: Make sure you turn the computer off before opening the case, also make sure the board is reinserted into the same slot once you have examind it).

Hauppauge has a new SDK available for .NET applications.

The SDK simplifies the development of TV applications in .NET. The SDK makes it easy for applications to perform functions like querying the available channels, start watching a channel in an application supplied window, pause/play, adjust volume, display OSD graphics, record live tv to a file, etc.

The SDK is provided under NDA and can be requested at or

Technical support contact form

Click here for the support contact form